Laia Sieraden

Your Travel Partner

Bad Habits That Could Get You Kicked Off a Plane

Are you planning to travel soon?

Before you pack your bags and head to the airport, make sure that you are not guilty of some nasty habits that could get you kicked off a plane. From overindulging in alcohol to being rude to fellow passengers, there are certain behaviors that airline staff will not tolerate.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at some common bad habits that can land you in hot water with the airlines. So buckle up and read on!

Talking Too Loudly

If you’re the type of person who loves to talk loudly, there’s a good chance you’ve been asked to pipe down on a plane before. It’s not exactly the most ideal situation, but it’s one that you can avoid.

There are a few things you can do to make sure you don’t end up being that person who gets kicked off the plane for talking too loudly. First, try to be aware of your volume. If you’re sitting in a quiet section of the plane, it’s probably not the best time to have a loud conversation.

Second, be respectful of other passengers. If someone is trying to sleep or read, it’s best to keep your voice down.

And lastly, if you’re asked by a flight attendant to tone it down, it’s probably best to just do as they say. No one wants to be that person who causes a scene on a plane.

Being Intoxicated

Being intoxicated is one of the most common reasons people get kicked off planes. Alcohol can make people behave in ways that are disruptive and dangerous. So it’s no surprise that airlines have strict policies against it.

If you’re caught drinking before your flight, you may be denied boarding. And if you’re already on the plane, you may be asked to disembark if you become intoxicated. Therefore, it is advisable to either abstain from alcohol consumption entirely when flying or undergo a home Alcohol Detox if you have consumed alcohol hours before the flight.

Reclining Your Seat Too Far

Reclining your seat too far back is one of the most common complaints that airplane passengers have about their fellow flyers. And it’s not just because it’s annoying to have the person behind you constantly kicking at your seat. Reclining your seat too far can be dangerous.

If there’s an emergency and the plane needs to evacuate, the aisle could become blocked if everyone has their seats reclined. This would make it difficult for people to get out of their seats and could cause a stampede.

Also, if there’s a fire on board, the smoke could collect near the ceiling. This makes it more difficult for people in reclined seats to breathe.

So, next time you’re tempted to recline your seat all the way back, think about your fellow passengers and consider keeping it upright. It might just save someone’s life.

Eating Smelly Foods

When it comes to flying, there are a few things that can make your fellow passengers very unhappy. One of those things is eating smelly foods.

If you’re planning on enjoying a nice plate of garlic shrimp or a big bowl of curry while you’re on your flight, you might want to think again. Not only will the smell of these dishes be incredibly strong in such a small space, but it will also be very off-putting to the people around you. If you want to enjoy your food, wait until you’re off the plane.

Refusing to Wear a Mask

With the outbreak of COVID-19, airlines have been implementing new rules and regulations to keep passengers safe. One of these is the requirement that all passengers wear a face mask while on board.

However, there have been some passengers who have refused to follow this rule. In some cases, they have become disruptive and had to be removed from the plane. In other cases, they simply refused to put on a mask and they had to get off the plane.

Wearing a face mask is not just for your safety, but for the safety of those around you. If you refuse to wear a mask, you are putting yourself and others at risk. It is important to remember that when you fly, you are not just responsible for your own safety, but for the safety of those around you as well.

Disruptive Behavior

What exactly constitutes disruptive behavior? Well, it can vary depending on the airline. But generally speaking, anything that interferes with the safe operation of the plane or disturbs other passengers is disruptive. This includes things like being loud or rowdy, using offensive language, refusing to follow crew instructions, and more.

If you are engaging in any of these behaviors, you run the risk of getting kicked off the plane. So next time you’re flying, remember to keep your cool and be respectful of others. It could save you from getting booted off your flight!

Bringing Unapproved Items Onboard

One of the worst things you can do while flying is to bring unapproved items onboard the plane. This can include everything from weapons to illegal drugs. Not only will this get you into trouble with the law, but it could also get you kicked off the plane.

If you’re caught bringing any of these items onboard, you will be immediately escorted off the plane and may even get arrested. So, make sure to only bring approved items onboard and leave anything else at home.

Using Electronic Devices During Takeoff and Landing

The use of electronic devices during takeoff and landing is a major no-no for airline passengers. Not only is it a major distraction for you, but it’s also a safety hazard. If there’s an emergency, you need to be able to hear the instructions from the flight crew.

Plus, if the plane hits turbulence, you could get injured by your device flying into the air. So please, for your safety and the safety of those around you, put away your electronic devices during takeoff and landing.

It is important to remember that when flying, you must obey the rules and regulations of both the airline and the airport. Failure to do so can result in not only getting kicked off a plane but also other legal repercussions.

Therefore, understanding which bad habits could get you kicked off a plane should be your number one priority before boarding. By following these guidelines, you will ensure yourself a much smoother flight experience with no surprises along the way!

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