Laia Sieraden

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Why You Should Tick the Grand Canyon Off Your Bucket List

When many think of visits to national parks, they imagine majestic mountain vistas, dense forests of towering trees, and serene bodies of water. But the Grand Canyon? Not so much. But why not? After all, the Grand Canyon is much more than just an expanse of blue. The history of the Grand Canyon is as fascinating as the landscape itself, and it reflects the American West’s story in ways other national parks don’t. The Grand Canyon is a sight to behold: 277 miles long, 18 miles wide, and 18 miles deep in some places. The sheer size of the Grand Canyon itself is awe-inspiring, but there are also relics of its geologic past to explore.

The Grand Canyon Railway

The Grand Canyon Railway is a railroad that runs 4.5 miles (7km) from Williams to the Grand Canyon, through the Grand Canyon National Park. Originally called the “Grand Canyon Railway and Hotel Company,” the company was incorporated on March 6, 1905, and began service on April 16, 1910. It was the first major railway line built between the United States and Canada and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Grand Canyon: A Journey of Wonder Film

Grand Canyon: A Journey of Wonder is a documentary that explores the Grand Canyon’s rich history and geology by showcasing the diverse beauty of this national treasure. With a focus on protecting the gorge, the film highlights the many threats to the park’s ecosystem, including climate change, invasive species, and light pollution. By exploring these threats, the film empowers viewers to take action and demonstrates how we can work together to protect the Grand Canyon for future generations.

West Rim Drive Shuttle Tour

West Rim Drive is a spectacular drive on Grand Canyon West in Arizona. This scenic 20-mile drive along the Colorado River provides stunning scenery and awesome views of the Canyon. This 2-hour self-drive tour is the perfect activity for those who like a bit of adventure and want to get off the beaten path. Upon arrival at the guest services center, you will receive your complimentary guided tour and vehicle. You can drive at your own pace and stop at points of interest along the way. This self-drive tour is a guided adventure, but if you want to get away on your own, drive at your speed, and stop whenever you’d like. Remember, the speed limit is 25 miles an hour at the West Rim.

Plein Air Painting

Plein air painting is an outdoor form of painting. “Plein air” means “open air” in French, and the artist paints directly from nature. The process involves removing oneself from the comfort of a studio and, instead, working from nature. This way of working gives the artist a unique perspective of the landscape and can paint anywhere.

Desert View Point Watchtower

The Desert View Watchtower was built in 1944 and is the tallest point in the Las Vegas Valley. It’s located on the top of a small hill in the Black Mountains and overlooks the entire valley and parts of the surrounding mountains. The walled-in structure stood 1,000 feet tall and was originally a weather station to control airplane landings by providing a view of the surrounding terrain.

Colorado River Rafting Trip

Colorado Rafting adventures are one of the most popular whitewater rafting trips in the world. The Colorado River is 1,450 miles long and runs from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to the Gulf of California. The area around the Grand Canyon is rich with colorful mountains, deserts, canyons, and rock formations. The canyon is 277 miles long and is often referred to as the “Grand Canyon of America.” Every summer people from across the globe visit the great Colorado rivers to experience the adventure of a lifetime.

South Rim Mule Ride

South Rim Mule Ride is an incredible experience. It is not for the faint of heart and is recommended for those in good health who are not afraid of heights, as you will be riding up the side of a canyon. The views are breathtaking, and the ride lasts around 10 minutes.

Grand Canyon, its rock formations, and the Colorado River offer experiences that are best experienced from a water raft. There are specialized companies that can offer guided trips, but Grand Canyon National Park is also a great place to explore on its own. Either way, it’s an awe-inspiring trip, and you won’t regret it.

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